আপনি হয়তো অফিসে চাকরি করেন। কিন্তু আপনি চান আপনার অফিসের বসকে একটু ইম্প্রেসস করতে। কিন্তু কোথাও পছন্দ মতো SMS খুজে পাচ্ছেন না। তাহলে এখান থেকে যেকোনো SMS কপি করে নিতে পারেন। আপনি হয়তো আরো খুঁজছিলেন হ্যাপি নিউ ইয়ার 2023 ছন্দ বস – হ্যাপি নিউ ইয়ার 2023 পিক ফেসবুক স্ট্যাটাস বস – নিউ ইয়ার পোস্ট বস – নতুন বছরের শুভেচ্ছা ২০২৩ বস – নতুন বছরের শুভেচ্ছা মেসেজ বস – নতুন বছরের অগ্রিম শুভেচ্ছা 2023 বস – happy new year 2023 status bangla boss – happy new year 2023 wishes boss – happy new year 2023 sms boss এই গুলই খুঁজছিলেন
SMS কপি করার নিয়ম
আপনি যদি এখান হতে SMS প্রিয়জনকে উইশ করতে চান তাহলে সেই SMS টির উপরে ডান কোনায় Copy লেখা রয়েছে। সেই খানে একটা ক্লিক করলেই SMS টি Copy হয়ে যাবে। তার পর আপনি যে কোন জায়গায় এটি Paste করতে পারবেন।
বসকে নববর্ষের শুভেচ্ছা ২০২৩
You had the chance to take on a higher position, but you didn’t. You chose to stay, mentor and motivate our team. You have an amazing passion in life, I hope you will be blessed with the strength and wisdom to inspire more employees to do their best.
I always feel honored when you assign me tasks that are very important to you. Thank you so much. I wish you a happy new year.
My boss, there is no one who can compete you or can compare with you. You are not only the best boss but also a perfect friend after the official times. Many happy and sweet wishes for New Year!
Thank you for sharing your best secrets on leadership and management. I wish you the best throughout the year! Happy New Year!
May the New Year be full of new opportunities and new dreams for you. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead full of happiness and goodness. Happy New Year.
Dear boss, last year was fantastic working under you. Looking forward to working together this year as well. Happy New Year.
May all your goals be achieved, and all your plans be fulfilled. Have a blessed year ahead!
Dear Boss, I look forward to another productive year with you. You have provided a good example of how a person should work and be a blessing to his family. Happy 2023!
You have the guiding ability of a great leader and the commanding ability of a powerful boss. Working with you is a pleasure. Happy new year
You are the power source of this team. You always equip us with motivation and strength to go forward and meet the deadlines. Thanks for your support, boss! Happy New Year!
Wishing you a very happy New Year. I wish you luck, courage and strength to continue your successful journey of life for many more years. Happy New Year My Dear Boss.
You are the most precious treasure for our organization. Your decisions and actions have impressed me and all others. I always want to follow you and look towards for better advice. I don’t know what happened if you were not our boss. I am so much happy because I have another year to work for you.
Wishing you a very happy New Year. I wish you luck, courage and strength to continue your successful journey of life for many more years. Happy New Year My Dear Boss.
Happy New Year boss! I look forward to a beautiful new year full of new opportunities.
New Year comes with many opportunities. I wish you best of luck in anything you do. May the business grow to your dream goals! Happy New Year Boss!
Happy New Year to a most respected boss,
It is the happy season which does not have to end,
For we can go on smiling and happy,
Throughout the year that does not have to be snappy!
You are the true source of encouragement to the team. Sir you always inspire us with motivation and dedication to go forward and meet the deadlines. You are exemplary leader for your subordinates. Thanks for your support, boss! Happy New Year!
Any organization is as good as its boss. I am glad I have the privilege to work with one of the most visionary and hard-working bosses of all time. I wish you a fantastic new year boss!
New Year out forth new roads to success and
Provide you with opportunities to give wings
To your unfulfilled desires. Make your dreams
Come true with the rise of another beautiful year.
Dear Boss Happy New Year 2023. You can be bossy and sometimes can be much happy in your absence, but then again you are the base to our establishment. Wishing you a happy Year ahead boss and looking forward to a promotion as well.
Another year is soon to come, another batch of obstacles this team will have to face, but we do not worry at all. Because you are a good leader, and we trust in you. Happy New Year to you and your family, boss!
You are the best person I have ever come across, Being helpful and you have always encouraged me, Praised my work. You have set a prominent example. Just want you to know that you are terrific to work with. Here’s sending you my New Year wishes to you dear boss.
Create a better working environment as you move forward on fulfilling the common goals of the organization by taking together everyone around you.
Thank you for pushing me to do great things which I thought I cannot do. I hope to follow your path so that I can also be called a “boss” someday. Happy New Year!
I would like to start this year by thanking you for all the opportunities you have offered me. I would not be here if not because of you. Thank you. Have a blessed New Year!
হ্যাপি নিউ ইয়ার বস ২০২৩
I know that these words would not be able to convey how awesome you are, but we’ll still attempt it. You are a wonderful person, and we are glad you are our leader. Happy New Year boss
A New Year with new goals. May 2023 turn out to be a year of success in your life. The sky is the limit. Happy New Year!
A good example, that’s who you are to us. May this year be a road filled with laughter and success. Happy New Year!
It is always nice working with a master in his field. You are such a smart boss, May you lead us to greater heights. Happy New year Boss!